PJSC Ukrgrafit, Zaporizhzhya
KTE5-ТС-2.3к/75-ВТ71000-С23-УХЛ4 converter manufactured to power the charge heating process, has been shipped. The equipment will be installed at the Ukrgrafit PJSC enterprise in Zaporizhzhia.
Karpatnaftokhym, Kalush
The converter for the excitation of the synchronous engine operating on the volume water pump D6300-80. The equipment will be installed at Karpatnaftokhim Kalush.
Navoi Mining and Smelting Plant. Diagnostic System
The third set of grants for the Sovereign Enterprise "Navyinsky Girnicho-Metallurgical Plant" was already made. For the first time for the Mine Pit Installation (MPI) type MПМН-3.15x4 "Skіpoviy", the Mine Plant "Zarmіtan"
Yuzhniy GOK, Kryviy Rig
The BTE-320 converter is shipped for the excitation of the synchronous engine of the five machine unit of the ECGG-8I tracked Ekskavator. The equipment will be installed on JSC Yuzhniy GOK, Krivyy Rig.
Terebla Rick hydroelectric power station
In the fall of 2021, three excitation systems were delivered СВТГ-460/150-1ЕС2Т2,5-АО24-УХЛ4 for hydroegenerators No. 1, 2, 3 Terebla Rick hydroelectric power station