
In order to compensate reactive power and voltage distortions generated by the electric arc furnace DSP-15, a new static VAR compensator, type TKRM-13 / 6-3-5-UHL4, was supplied to Novokramtorsky Mashinostroitelny Zavod and commissioned in December 2015.
TKRM-13 / 6-3-5-UHL4 type compensator with a rated capacity of 13 MVAr, voltage of 6 kV, consisted of:
– a semiconductor voltage regulator, type PSM-PN5-C0-700/6k/1-V0-UHL4 (700A, 6kV),
– compensating reactor (2х5,8 mH, 6kV),
– 3rd harmonic filter, type FKU-3-6-9000-UHL4 (installed capacity 9000 kVAr, generated power 6900 kVAr),
– 5th harmonic filter, type FKU-5-6-7200-UHL4 (installed capacity 7200 kVAr, generated power 5100 kVAr).
Application of TKRM type compensator enabled the company to reduce the voltage ripple to 2% and compensate the reactive power to a value not exceeding 1%.
