Low voltage frequency converters

General characteristics
- Motor start and speed control;
- Reverse;
- Acceleration, deceleration, shutdown;
- Motor and converter protection;
- Dynamic braking during shutdown;
- “Pick up” in motion;
- Technological parameter PI-control;
- Preset speed parameters;
- Auto-reclosing;
- Linear or S-shaped velocity controller.
The converter consists of:
- Input three-phase current-limiting reactor;
- Radio frequency interference filter (optional);
- Circuit breaker or contactor with fuses (converters for currents from 160 to 630 A);
- Converter power unit;
- Dynamic braking device (converters for currents from 160 to 630 A, optional);
- Rectifier with regeneration mode (only applied in converters for currents from 160 to 630 A, optional);
- Microprocessor control system;
- Console terminal;
- Output filter limiting voltage rise time on motor excitation winding – dU / dt or sinus (optional).
Control system
- Motor control
U/f control (linear, quadratic, programmable control):
– permissible tolerance of output voltage with a rated input voltage and change of current at converter output from zero to a rated value is not exceeding ± 3%;
– permissible tolerance of output voltage frequency from a rated value with the change of current at converter output from zero to a rated value and change of input voltage in specified range – not exceeding ± 1%;
– converters provide for operation at 1.5 x current overload for 120 sec;
– output voltage frequency range – from 0 to 200 Hz;
– efficiency – at least 95% (over 53 kW), at least 93% (below 53 kW);
– power factor – at least 0,9;
– operating mode: continuous. Vector with a real-time identification of electric drive parameters. There is a mode of automatic presetting of engine parameters.
- Protection system
– short-circuit currents protection;
– prohibited current overload protection;
– dump or unacceptable decrease in the supply input voltage;
– unacceptable increase of the supply input voltage;
– overtemperature of semiconductor power devices;
– phase failure of the input and output voltages;
– short circuits to ground protection.
– engine overheating protection;
- Types of sensors
– Tachogenerator;
– Pulse speed and position sensors;
– Selsin;
– Temperature sensors;
– Pressure sensors, etc
- Administration programs
– Basic program;
– Main program;
– Local – remote control;
– PI-regulation;
– Control over pumps and fans;
– Administration according to the requirements of the customer.