LLC “RDE “Preobrazovatel-Complex” fulfills integrated supplies of electrical equipment for multi-functional drilling rigs.
As long as the company provides for a large number of produced equipment, it is possible to fully equip the drilling rig with equipment produced with in-house capabilities, which in its turn ensures the smooth consistent operation of the whole installation.
Drilling rigs can be equipped with:
- thyristor rectifiers for DC motors control;
- low-voltage and high-voltage soft-starters and frequency converters;
- synchronous motors excitations;
- cabinets with low-voltage switching equipment,
- reactive power compensators and harmonic filters
- automation cabinets;
- control panels.
The set of equipment is compiled on individual basis for each specific type of the drilling rigs, considering the customer’s requirements and operating conditions.
The equipment can be manufactured in a cabinet design, for installation at the drilling rig premises, or in container design for installation at an open area.
- NPP ZOND, gas wells, Kharkiv region, supply of 12 thyristor converters in the container design for power supply of the drilling mud pumps and drawworks. The set includes power supplies for field windings, control panels and harmonic filters.
- Soleprom, a set of equipment for controlling the salt mining combine.