General characteristics
- Motor starting in forward and reverse direction of rotation;
- Rotation direction reverse of the motor;
- Motor shutdown;
- Automatic changeover to the shunting switching device (“bypass”) upon start-up completion, and automatic switching from the bypass if controlled braking is required;
- “Motor Drying” mode.
Starting mode
- The “invisible” breakaway torque – a soft increase of the motor starting current from a zero, according to a special algorithm, with its subsequent restriction at a given level;
- Starting current supply with initial inrush and subsequent smooth increase and limitation – for motors with a high starting torque;
- Setup of a quasi-frequency starting mode with a “frequency converter” effect during starting-up to the speed – for motors with a high starting torque;
- Linear increase of motor voltage from zero to a full voltage without current limiting.
Shutdown mode
- Shutdown with instantaneous collecting of current – motor shutdown upon running-down;
- Shutdown with a soft decrease in current or voltage – controlled stop for mechanisms not permitting abrupt braking (pumps with possible hydraulic shock);
- Dynamic braking shutdown with a set constant current or braking voltage – for mechanisms not permitting a sustained braking because of possible high vibrations or because of a requirement to increase cycling mechanisms performance by reducing the shutdown time thereof;
- Holding the motor in a stalled state by a transition upon dynamic braking completion to a holding current or voltage – for mechanisms with ever-present pulling torque.
- Local control – via press button commands on the starter panel;
- Remote control – via contact commands on the drive control dashboard;
- Remote control – via network interface of Automated Process Control System on the level of workshop, plant, etc.
Control signals
- Input control signals with variable (programmable) functions – 5 units.
- Possible functions for programming signals:
– forward;
– back;
– inrush;
– trigger;
– stop;
– dynamic braking;
– operative shutdown;
– emergency shutdown;
– bypass interlock;
– protections acknowledgement (checkback);
– other (options).
Input and output signals
- Input signals parameters
– received signal type……………………………………….……………………………………………«dry contact»;
– galvanic isolation type………………………………………………………………………..………..optron;
– open contact voltage (to ensure reliable contact in the dry contact circuit) ……….110 V;
– closed contact current …………………………………………………………………………..……..17 mA; - Output signals parameters
• Functions of signals:
– readiness;
– bypass switch-on;
– warning;
– emergency shutdown.
• Types of signals:
– relay;
– transistor (open collector with a voltage of 24 V).
Parameter settings
- Parameters are set via a console terminal with a menu in Russian;
- The self-explanatory menu structure of the console terminal allows to adjust the settings without special training for the staff;
- The optimal, baseline parameters for configuration of the starter.
For the majority of designs, it is sufficient to set up 3 parameters:
– motor rated current;
– input current requirement;
– maximum allowed starting time. - Easily re-programmable functions of input and output control signals;
- Further development of starter’s functionality of any complexity by the manufacturer experts as per technical requirements of the Customer.
Protection system
- overcurrent protection;
- overvoltage protection;
- overload protection in accordance with the name plate, time-current characteristic of motor g tolerance;
- power circuit disconnection protection;
- open-phase switching-on protection;
- extended start protection;
- protection for no conductivity of thyristors in the converter;
- automatic reclosing upon decrease and/or power outage;
- no-load protection.
- The built-in system records and archives the data on parameters and status of the starter and the motor:
– the number of parameters registered simultaneously – 1 … 16;
– registration time resolution – 3.3 … 100 ms;
– recording fragment duration – 1.5 … 30 s;
– the number of data fragments archived during emergency shutdowns – 4;
– recording the date and time of archived fragments storing in real-time terms;
– graphical visualization of archived and current data from the recorder via a special-purpose program and diagnostic system on the basis of a portable computer; - electric power meter for energy consumed by the motor – during a start-up and for the set period of operation.
Interfaces (optional)
- support of network interfaces such as Profibus DP, Modbus, Ethernet, CAN;
- flexible structure of the control and regulation system, open for monitoring and control from Automated Process Control System via network interfaces;
- possible integration via serial interfaces with Automated Process Control System and monitoring systems.
Structural design
- A thyristor converter is made according to a three-phase scheme with two opposite connected thyristors on the arm of two versions -non-reversible and reversible;
- Air cooling: natural cooling for rated currents of up to and 100A (inclusively), forced cooling for rated currents above 100A;
- One input for power circuits and auxiliary power supply;
- Block and cabinet versions;
- The block version of the product consists of:
– power unit with a control system;
– relay (optional): “Ready”, “Accident”, “Bypass”;
– terminal block for external input / output control signals;
– сmeans of local control and administration for the block version of design. - The cabinet version of the product consist of:
– power unit with a control system;
– input circuit breaker;
– relay switching equipment (optional);
– terminal block for external input / output control signals. - Means of local control and administration for the cabinet version:
– “Motor current” device;
– lamps: “Power supply”, “Readiness”, “Warning”, “Accident”;
– buttons: “Forward (Start)”, “Back”, “Stop”, “Emergency Shutdown”;
– console terminal;
– other means of control and management (optional).
Computer Workstation
The supply of soft starters can be completed with an automated workstation – a computerized human-machine interface that can control and monitor an equipment complex.
AWS implements the following functions:
- monitoring and graphical display of a status and parameters for the starters, motors and other equipment;
- control of a start-up, shutdown and other modes of equipment operation;
- duplication of the starter’s console terminal;
- backlog / protocol of equipment operation modes;
- maintenance of hourly and daily data archive from the equipment parameters recorder;
- graphic display of data from parameters recorders embedded into the starter’s controllers.
Structurally, AWS is made, depending on the intended location, in the following versions:
- cabinet rack with built-in industrial computer – for placement directly in the equipment room;
- desktop computer in industrial design for the work position of a controller on duty or an operator;
- industrial computer panel embedded in the panel of an existing equipment control panel.